Sunday, June 5, 2011

Meet Keisha Williams

June 28, 1990 I was born in Walter Reed Medical Center in Washington, D.C.
I was born to two military parents, Marius Williams and Iridiana Hernandez.
At five months I was sent to live with my grandparents,
Lee Morris and Viola Williams.
My entire life I have moved between mother, father and grandparents
 in and out of states and out of the country. Most of my life
I was raised by my grandparents who also raised my brother,
Kwame and my cousin, Markell. We’ve lived in West Point,
Mississippi attending the local school and St. Paul M.B. Church.
Moving between my parents and grandparent was a good
experience and stressful. I’ve moved out of the country to
 live in Germany in the fifth grade and I’ve already traveled all around
Europe and into Saudi Arabia. I learned to love traveling and
being adventurous. Also I’ve come to learn foreign languages
which I speak a little to a few words in a few languages and
I love culture so I’m always interested in going somewhere
and blending in.
During my high school year I attended three high schools:
 Judson High School in San Antonio, Texas;
 Rock Ridge Senior High in Columbia, Missouri
and West Point High School in West Point, Mississippi.
 I had moved from from my parents back with my
grandparents. During that time I helped my grandparents
 take care of my grandpa’s mother, P.B. 
I graduated West Point High School in 2008
and a few days later attended EMCC
 (East Mississippi Community College) where I began my
first two years and gained more than enough credits
 to transfer to the University of Southern Mississippi.
I’m now a fourth year at the University of Southern
 Mississippi where I study Public Relations and Marketing.
I’m involved in several organizations on campus:
Public Relations Student Society of America,
African American Student Organization,
American Advertising Federation,
Transfer Leader Board and Alpha Kappa Psi. 
For next year I plan to be more active in my career
 fields and around campus. I have sketched
out the next two years in a broad outline along
side my boyfriend of six months two year plan. 
It’s recently that I’ve been able to learn more
about myself during my first and second semester
at USM. I’ve learned that I can be very controlling,
 overly excited and have mood swings depending
on what I am doing or not doing. I’ve been waiting
 to leave the country and I’m always thinking of something
 to do or how to improve to be more productive and successful.

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