I graduated from Oak Grove High School in 2009. My best friend from high school is actually doing British Studies also but she is taking the Children’s Literature class. Other than her I don’t know anyone else that is going really well but I hope that changes soon!
I like to read a lot and I watch entirely too much online television. I am a desk assistant in Hattiesburg Hall and I always spend the majority of my shifts finding new shows and watching them from the beginning. I am also really organized and I probably make three different lists a day for various things.
For the mini break I really want to try to go to Italy, so I am hoping that other people want to as well so we can go in a big group. I have never been out of the states and I am really excited about doing so in July!
Hi Ashleigh! Dang, so I got real excited when you said you wanted to go to Italy because me and Jessica Holliday were planning to go. Then I read your comment. Did you check on how long the flight was to Italy? Maybe it is not as long.. I want to go to Rome so bad! :)